Depression Drawing Easy

Depression Drawing Easy

Have you ever heard of depression drawing? 

Let me tell you a little more about how depression drawing is helpful.

  • Expressing Emotions: When you’re feeling down, it can be hard to put your feelings into words. Drawing lets you show your emotions through pictures. You can make a sad face or use colors to show how you’re feeling inside.
  • Creating a Safe Space: Drawing is like creating your own special world on paper. You can draw a cozy place where you’d like to be, even if you can’t be there in real life. This can help you feel safer and more relaxed.
  • Distracting Your Mind: Sometimes, when you’re feeling sad, it’s good to distract your mind. Drawing lets you focus on something positive and creative, which can help take your mind off the things that are bothering you.
  • Releasing Tension: Have you ever felt like you’re carrying a heavy backpack of feelings? Drawing can be like taking off that backpack and letting go of some of that tension. It’s a way to release what’s inside you.
  • Celebrating Achievements: Even simple drawings can make you feel proud. When you finish a drawing, it’s like saying, “Hey, I did it!” This feeling of achievement can boost your mood.
  • Seeing Progress: As you draw more, you might notice your skills getting better. It’s like watching a plant grow – seeing your drawings improve over time can make you feel good about yourself.
  • Setting Goals: You can set small goals for your drawings. Maybe you want to draw something colorful today or try a new shape. Achieving these goals can give you a sense of purpose.
  • Connecting with Others: Sharing your drawings can help you connect with friends and family. They might understand your feelings better when they see your drawings, and it can lead to meaningful conversations.
  • Creating Happy Memories: Drawing happy things, like smiling faces or sunny days, can help you focus on the positive moments in life. These drawings can be like little reminders of joy.
  • Getting in the Flow: When you draw, you might feel like time flies by. It’s like being in a creative flow where your worries take a backseat and you’re fully present in the moment.
  • Building Confidence: Every time you try a new drawing, you’re taking a step outside your comfort zone. This can build your confidence and show you that you’re capable of trying new things.
  • Finding Solutions: Sometimes, when you draw, your mind can relax and come up with solutions to problems that have been bothering you. It’s like your brain gets a chance to breathe and think clearly.
  • Spreading Positivity: You can use your drawings to spread positivity to others. When you give someone a drawing, it’s like giving them a piece of your heart and showing you care.

You may be thinking “I don’t know what to draw”. Whatever you draw is perfect. There are no rules, there are no limits, just draw what your emotions tell you to draw. Below are 13 depression drawing easy level ideas to get you started. 

  1. Smiley Faces: Draw different smiley faces to show how you’re feeling. You can make a happy smile, a sad smile, or even a silly smile. Faces can be like little messengers of your emotions.
  2. Rainbow Lines: Make colorful lines on your paper. Each color can represent a different emotion – like red for anger, blue for sadness, and yellow for happiness. Mixing the colors can show that feelings can be complex.
  3. Heart Patterns: Draw lots of hearts on your paper. You can make them big, small, or even overlapping. Hearts can show love and care, both for others and for yourself.
  4. Doodle Monsters: Create funny and friendly monsters by drawing different shapes like circles, squares, and triangles. Add eyes, mouths, and arms to make them come to life. These creatures can represent the feelings inside you.
  5. Nature Scenes: Draw a simple nature scene like a sun, clouds, trees, and flowers. It’s like making your own peaceful place on paper. Nature can remind you of the beauty in the world.
  6. Balloon Bunches: Make a bunch of balloons floating in the sky. Each balloon can represent a wish or a happy thought. Watching them float can give you a sense of freedom.
  7. Crazy Patterns: Draw wiggly lines and shapes all over the paper. It’s like making your own unique design. These patterns can represent the twists and turns of life.
  8. Animal Friends: Try drawing simple animals like a cute puppy, a fluffy kitten, or a chirping bird. Animals can bring a smile to your face. They’re like little companions on your paper.
  9. Magical Stars: Draw stars in the night sky. You can make them sparkle by adding tiny dots around them. Stars can represent hopes and dreams.
  10. Your Favorite Things: Draw things you love, like your favorite food, a toy, or even a cozy blanket. These drawings can make you feel warm inside. Your favorite things can bring comfort.
  11. Rainbow Swirls: Make colorful swirls on your paper, like a rainbow twirling around. It’s a fun and cheerful drawing idea. Swirls can show the happiness swirling back into your heart.
  12. Silly Shapes: Draw funny shapes like a squiggly line with legs or a zigzag with arms. Use your imagination and see what you come up with! Silly shapes can make you giggle.
  13. Inspiring Words: Write down positive words like “hope,” “joy,” and “brave” in big, bold letters. You can decorate them with colors and patterns. These words can remind you of your strength.

When starting out drawing let your drawings be simple and easy. Don’t push yourself until you’re ready to make more advanced drawings. Make depression drawings easy level art for as long as you want, only advance to depression drawing medium level,  or depression drawing hard level when you are ready.

Along with drawing, I also suggest that you speak with a counselor about the feelings you are having. Here at Depression Drawing we partnered with the best online counselors and therapists online. 

The combination of depression drawings easy level and speaking to a trained professional can make great improvements in your mental health when it comes to depression and anxiety. It is never too late to get help. 

Remember, start out making your depression drawings easy. Something as easy as stick figures. The point is to get the emotions out of your mind and onto paper so you can process the feelings, and even share them with others. Sharing your depression drawings with other people may help you, and also help the other person that may be suffering as well. 

Here are some more ideas to get started. 

  • Draw a __________ with a big smile to represent happiness.
  • Create a doodle of a __________ doing something silly to make yourself laugh.
  • Sketch a peaceful __________ scene with calming colors.
  • Draw a group of __________, each with a different expression to show your various emotions.
  • Imagine yourself as a __________ and draw what you’d look like in your imaginary world.
  • Draw a __________ holding a sign with an encouraging message.
  • Create a pattern of __________ shapes and use bright colors to lift your spirits.
  • Doodle a __________ with wings, symbolizing your desire for freedom and positivity.
  • Sketch a __________ with a speech bubble, saying something kind to yourself.
  • Draw a __________ reaching out to touch a rainbow, symbolizing hope and new beginnings.
  • Picture a __________ with a thought bubble filled with your favorite place to escape to.
  • Create a simple __________ holding a heart to represent self-love and care.
  • Imagine a __________ surrounded by stars and planets, symbolizing your dreams and aspirations.

Below are some examples of depression drawings easy for inspiration.

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